At Original Sumner Online Content, we offer support for the websites and blogs we provide.

We always recommend making websites and blogs as easy to maintain as possible, for example, we will always suggest using text that requires little or no changes.

Minor changes that are very quick to make, such as slight changes to text, may be made free of charge.

Support hourly charge

Our hourly charge for support is £50 per hour.

Support packages

If you know that your website or blog is likely to need our support throughout the year, you can sign up for one of our support packages. You can use your support packages to:

  • make regular updates
  • add new content
  • discuss new content ideas
  • discuss analytics in more depth
  • create online forms and more

Each support package is tailored to a website’s needs. If you’re interested in a support package, we would discuss what you need and agree with you what should be included as well as the amount payable.

What happens if more support is needed?

If you have a support package and need us to dedicate more time than the amount of support hours you have arranged, our one-off support costs will apply after the dedicated hours.

Unused hours

Unused hours don’t roll over to the following month.

Getting the most from your support package

Please contact us if you would like to know more about getting the most from your support package.

How to arrange support

You can contact us if you would like to arrange support for a website or blog from us.